According to the Lawn Tennis Association, not knowing how they can gain access to a tennis court is one of the biggest barriers to people playing tennis.

Gate access technology can help overcome these problems, as it enables access to courts to be managed remotely, without the problems associated with padlocks and keys. It can also improve court security and deter intruders.

With this technology in place, managers can open up their courts to new and wider audiences, for more hours. They can manage bookings and court access for both club members and the public and take instant payment for court bookings.

Because this technology can extend access to many more players and maximise the use of existing courts, it meets many of the assessment criteria that grant funders use.

STEVE GOSWELL at Funding4Tennis offers FREE initial advice on all types of tennis funding, and a grant application service on a NO WIN NO FEE basis.

Contact him by email at, or fill in the contact form here.

[Photo credits: Header image by Radosław Czarnecki from Pixabay; Top image by Chris Whitehead]